Any Gutter Protection Product Is Useless Without A Solid Foundation,
The Gutter System Itself .
To often this fundamental first step is overlooked.
The importance of your gutter system being inspected or replaced by someone specializing in the field should be placed
very high.
This fundamental first step by itself will go a long way in flushing out the garbage and the sub standard work.
In my local area, back when I was fist getting started, even the self proclaimed first,the best, overlooked this very
important basic step. This same company has been sold twice within the last 10 years.
Going into the gutter protection business without gutter fundamentals,
the ability to diagnose and correct problems, properly install a gutter system , is a huge mistake and a nightmare
waiting to happen, this is like telling you that I am going to paint your house but I will not need to do any prep
work, how long will that paint job last ?
I started in this business a little over 10 years ago, I was in the business for 2 weeks when it became very clear that
a solid foundation in gutter systems could not be overlooked. Watch out for those companies that claim to do
it all, most often they sub contract everything and specialize in nothing.
Take a look at the Home Depot consumer ratings online, this is
largely due to their sudden need to offer installation on home improvement purchases. This is plain and simple greed and
a fast forward fantastic example of where this mentality will get you. Any company that has been in business for a few
years and is worth having doesn't need Home Depot to generate leads, hopefully they will figure this out before it is
to late.
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